Australian Wildlife

Australian Tangled Web Weavers

FAMILY : Tangled Web Weavers

Dew Drop Spider
(Argyrodes antipodianus)
Dew Drop Spider
The Dew Drop Spider is a small spider with shiny silver abdomen , making it look like a drop of dew. It is often found on the web of the Golden Orb Weaver spider. Click to continue>
Theridion spider - unknown species
(Argyrodes sp)
Theridion spider - unknown species
This Argyrodes is a small brown spider - not sure what species it is. Click to continue>
Comb-footed Spider
(Chrysso sp)
Comb-footed Spider
The Comb-footed Spider has a mottled light brown body. Click to continue>
Redback Spider
(Latrodectus hasselti)
Redback Spider
The Redback Spider is a black spider with round body. The female is black with red stripe on back. The newly-hatched, baby spiders are creamy white with darker spots on their back. As the young grow they get darken, and develop red or orange... Click to continue>
Miagrammopes - unknown Spider species
(Miagrammopes sp2)
Miagrammopes - unknown Spider species
These spiders look like a piece of twig. The front legs are very long. Click to continue>
stick spider
(Miagrammopes sp)
stick spider
These spiders look like a piece of twig when they are at rest. They use a single woolly silk line to catch their prey. They keep the line taut by pulling any slack silk into a loop underneath their body. When an insect hits the line, the spider... Click to continue>
Red House Spider
(Nesticodes rufipes)
Red House Spider
The Red House Spider is reddish-brown in colour. Similar in shape to Redback spider. Click to continue>
Wall Spider
(Oecobius sp)
Wall Spider
The Wall Spider is a tiny pale brown mottled, semi-translucent spiders. Indoors, these tiny spiders look like untidy spots of dust around edge of ceiling. They live in a small tangled web. Click to continue>
Daddy Long Legs Spider
(Pholcus phalangoides)
Daddy Long Legs Spider
The Daddy Long Legs Spider has very long thin legs and is often seen in undisturbed areas in and around the house. When disturbed, the spiders vibrate their web. Click to continue>
no common name
(Uloborus barbipes)
no common name
Uloborus barbipes is a drab greyish-brown spider that looks like a bit of twig when at rest in its web. Click to continue>
Grey House Spider
(Zosis geniculatus)
Grey House Spider
The Grey House Spider is a small silver and grey spider, with banded legs. The abdomen in triangular in side view. Builds tangled web similar to Redback. Click to continue>

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