Australian Master Weavers
FAMILY : Master Weavers
Scorpion Tailed Spider (Arachnura higginsi) |

The Scorpion Tailed Spider body is various shades of brown but most commonly fawn, with a black tip on the end of the abdomen. The female has long tail that can be curled over the body, making it look a bit like a scorpion. She spins a small orb web... Click to continue> |
Enamelled Spider (Araneus bradleyi) |

The Enamelled Spider has an enamelled appearance which varies in colour in different parts of the country. Some spiders are a pure green colour. It is active in its web at night where it waits for small flying insects to get caught in the orb web... Click to continue> |
St. Andrews Cross Spider (Argiope keyserlingi) |

St Andrew's Cross Spiders are named for the bluish-white cross-shaped pattern of silk through the centre of the web resembling the St Andrew's cross on the Scottish flag. Females have a silver, yellow, red and black banded upper abdomen with two... Click to continue> |
Bird Dropping Spider (Celaenia excavata) |

The Bird Dropping spider has a body that looks like bird droppings. This protects them from being eaten by predators such as birds and wasps. Click to continue> |
Three-lobed Spider (Cyclosa sp) |

This Cyclosa species has a bright orange-yellow abdomen with black and white markings. Like all Cyclosa species, it has a three-lobed abdomen. It makes a small circular orb web in low shrub. The centre of the web has loops or spiral of coarse silk.... Click to continue> |
Three-lobed Spider (Cyclosa trilobita) |

Cyclosa trilobita is a brownish grey spider with light and dark blotches. The abdomen has three lobes. It makes a small circular orb web in low shrub. The spider sits at the centre of the web and is easily mistaken for dead flowers or debris in the... Click to continue> |
Dome Web Spider (Cyrtophora moluccensis) |

The Dome Web Spider builds a dome shaped web that looks like a large inverted saucer with tangle of web above and below. The spider sits above the dome. The dome may be 50 cm in diameter. The body of the spider is black and white with rusty red... Click to continue> |
Tent Web Spider (Cyrtophora hirta) |

The Tent Web Spider builds a small tent-like structure about 20-30 cm in diameter with a distinct central peak or cap where the spider sits. Above and below the tent are messy tangles of threads. The head is dark brown, the legs are brown with... Click to continue> |
Garden Orb Weaver Spider (Eriophora sp) |

Garden Orb Weavers are stout, reddish-brown or grey spiders with triangular abdomen. The Garden Orb Weavers build large, strong, vertical orb webs. The web is usually built in the evenings and taken down again at dawn. The spider rests head-down in... Click to continue> |
Garden Orb Weaver Spider (Eriophora transmarina) |

Stout, reddish-brown or grey spiders with triangular abdomen. The Garden Orb Weavers build large, strong, vertical orb webs. The web is usually built in the evenings and taken down again at dawn. The spider rests head-down in the centre of the web... Click to continue> |
Jewelled Spider (Gasteracantha minax) |

The female Jewelled Spider has a black abdomen with bright yellow and white markings. The extent of the white and yellow varies, and some specimens are mostly black. It has six strong spines. The male is smaller and is mainly black, with less... Click to continue> |
Silver Orb Weaver Spider (Leucauge sp) |

The Silver Orb Weaver has silver body with black and yellow markings. Has light green legs and dark green head. Click to continue> |
Golden Orb Weaver Spider (Nephila edulis) |

The female Golden Orb Weaver is a large spider with grey body and black and yellow banded legs. The male is much smaller and brown or reddish-brown in colour. The female builds a large vertical web with golden threads. The spider remains in the web... Click to continue> |
Leaf-curling Spider (Phonognatha sp) |

Leaf-curling Spiders are small orb weavers that protect themselves from predators by curling a leaf into a tube held together with silk. Head and legs are red-brown. Abdomen is creamy yellow with chevron pattern on the upper side. Click to continue> |
Long Jawed Spider (Tetragnatha sp) |

Long Jawed Spiders have very long, slender legs that are often stretched out in front and behind along a twig or branch when the spiders are resting. The palps are large. Click to continue> |