Australian Wildlife

Australian Skippers

FAMILY : Skippers

Orange Palm Dart Butterfly
(Cephenes augiades)
Orange Palm Dart Butterfly
The Orange Palm Dart Butterfly is an orange and black skipper. Wing profile is triangular when the butterfly is at rest. Larva is pale green with banded head. Click to continue>
Regent Skipper
(Euschemon rafflesia)
Regent Skipper
The adult Regent Skipper butterfly has black upper side with yellow markings and greenish underside with yellow markings. The body is black with thin white bands, and bright red tip. The caterpillars are green with a white edged black stripe along... Click to continue>
Greenish Grass Dart
(Ocybadistes walkeri)
Greenish Grass Dart
The Greenish Grass Dart is a small brown butterfly with bright orange wing markings. Females are less brightly coloured and have a greenish tint under the wings. Click to continue>
Lyell's Swift
(Pelopidas lyelli)
Lyell's Swift
Lyell's Swift is brown skipper butterfly with small white spots on its wings. They fly rapidly within a couple of metres of the ground. The caterpillar is yellowish green with green dots and a darker green stripe along the back. Click to continue>
Splendid Ochre
(Trapezites symmomus)
Splendid Ochre
The Splendid Ochre is a fairly large Skipper butterfly with orange and brown pattern above and paler orange and yellow underside. The pattern of pale spots on lower wings is distinctive. The Splendid Ochre flies rapidly near the ground during sunny... Click to continue>

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