Australian Wildlife

Australian Other

FAMILY : Amphipods

Garden Hopper
(Talitroides topitotum)
Garden Hopper
Garden Hoppers or Landhoppers are small shrimp-like crustaceans (not insects). They belong to the Amphipod order - most amphipods are marine but some are terrestrial. The species shown here is a land species common in woodland and gardens. They live... Click to continue>

FAMILY : Earwigs

(Elaunon bipartitus)
This earwig has gold coloured wing covers and a purplish brown body and head. The young are similar to adults but paler. The long forceps (pincers) are used for defense and curve upwards when the earwig is threatened; the forceps can also be used to... Click to continue>
(Labiduridae family )
A plain brown coloured earwig found under garden mulch. It has long antennae with many segments, and forceps (pincers) at the end of the abdomen. The forceps are used for defense and are curved upwards when the earwig is threatened. The young are... Click to continue>

FAMILY : Stoneflies

(Eusthenia sp)
There are about six species of Eusthenia, a genus of stoneflies confined to Tasmania. Stoneflies are fairly soft bodied insects with large compound eyes, long antennae with multiple segments and chewing mouthparts. The legs are strong and have two... Click to continue>

FAMILY : Fleas

Cat Flea
(Ctenocephalides felis)
Cat Flea
Cat Fleas are small reddish brown wingless insects with tube-like mouthparts for feeding on the blood of their hosts. Their bodies are flattened to make it easy for them to travel through hair. The body is hard and has hairs and spines. They have... Click to continue>
Dog Flea
(Ctenocephalides canis)
Dog Flea
Dog Fleas are small reddish brown wingless insects with tube-like mouthparts for feeding on the blood of their hosts. Their bodies are flattened to make it easy for them to travel through hair. The body is hard and has hairs and spines. They have... Click to continue>
Oriental Rat Flea
(Xenopsylla cheopis)
Oriental Rat Flea
The Oriental Rat Flea is brown and has a laterally compressed body (flattened from side to side) body. The head does not have the spiky large combs like cat fleas and dog fleas. They are parasitic insects and vectors for disease such as plague. Click to continue>

FAMILY : Thrips

Western Flower Thrip
(Frankliniella occidentalis)
Western Flower Thrip
The Western Flower Thrip is an introduced pest species that has established and spread throughout Australia. Adults are cigar-shaped and variable in colour from yellowish orange to grey or almost black. They have small narrow wings carried over the... Click to continue>
(Phlaeothripidae family )
Thrips are small insects with a long thin body. They are often black in colour. Their mouth parts are designed for rasping and sucking. Many species are pests of garden and agricultural plants Click to continue>
Yellow Tea Thrip
(Scirtothrips dorsalis)
Yellow Tea Thrip
The Yellow Tea Thrip is yellow with dark antennae and dark stripes on the lower abdomen. It is an invasive species of pest thrip that originated in Asia and is spreading world wide. Click to continue>
(Thripidae family )
This thrip was found on underside of Syzygium pot plant. The adult is black with white legs and very slender pale wings. The nymphs are yellowish white and wingless initially. Infested leaves lose condition and become dusty and discolored. I'm not... Click to continue>

FAMILY : Silverfish

(Ctenolepisma longicaudata)
Domestic silverfish are common inhabitants of houses and are often found in dark sheltered areas. They are wingless with a long soft body covered in silvery-grey scales. They have long antennae and three long abdominal cerci (tails) - a long central... Click to continue>

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