Australian Noctuid Moths
FAMILY : Noctuid Moths, Armyworms, Semi-Loopers, Owlet Moths
Castor Oil Semi-Looper moth (Achaea janata) |

The adult Castor Oil Semi-Looper moth has light and dark brown patterned forewings, and black and white hindwings. The caterpillars are brown with a black and white head initially, later turning bluish-grey with black tail tip. The caterpillars move... Click to continue> |
Joseph's Coat Moth (Agarista agricola) |

Joseph's Coat Moth is a beautifully marked moth. The forewings are black with yellow and pale blue markings. The hindwings are black with pale blue and bright red band. Females have a broad patch of white on front part of body and base of... Click to continue> |
Bogong moth (Agrotis infusa) |

Bogong moths are light brown or dark brown with a dark streak on the forewings superimposed with two pale spots. The hind wings are lighter brown with a dark border. The Bogong moth is a night-flying moth and is attracted to lights often in large... Click to continue> |
Brown cutworm (Agrotis munda) |

The adult moth of the Brown Cutworm is a brown and grey with variable pattern. There is usually a silvery grey elongated oval on the forewings with a larger round darker marking below it. It is similar in appearance to the Bogong Moth which is a... Click to continue> |
Tobacco Looper (Chrysodeixis argentifera) |

The Tobacco Looper adult moth is mainly brown, with a tuft of hairs on its head There is a silvery pattern on the forewings and a small letter-S shape. Some adults had grey patches on the forewings. The hind wings are light brown, darker at the end.... Click to continue> |
no common name (Condica aroana) |

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Green Blotched Moth (Cosmodes elegans) |

The moth is brown with a wavy green pattern on the forewings. It has a tuft of hairs on the head. It rests with its wings held in a steep roof shape Caterpillars are smooth and green. Click to continue> |
Southern Old Lady Moth (Dasypodia selenophora) |

The Southern Old Lady Moth Adult is mainly brown above with orange-brown underside. Each forewing has a large blue and black eye spot on the upper surface, with wavy dark lines running from the eyespot to the inner edge of the wings. The underside... Click to continue> |
no common name (Donuca orbigera) |

This Noctuid moth has prominent eye spots on each fore wing. There are broad creamy white bands running across the wings, and a broken band of spots near the trailing edge of the wing. When seen close up you can see a fine pattern of greyish blue... Click to continue> |
Owlet Moth (Dysgonia propyrrha) |

Dysgonia propyrrha is an attractive moth. The head is orange, and the wings are chocolate brown with a whitish speckled bar across each forewing. The trailing edges of the wings are white, and there is a triangular whitish patch on the leading edge... Click to continue> |
Erabus moth (Erebus terminitincta) |

Erebus terminitincta is an impressive large moth. It has dark brown wings with large eye spots and a broad white band that curves round the centre of the fore wings and rear wings. The eyes are prominent and antennae are filaments held out in... Click to continue> |
Eublemma moth (Eublemma cochylioides) |

This Eublemma is an attractive small moth with broad pink band on each forewing. The pink band forms a V-shape when wings are at rest. The head is white and the thorax is buff coloured. The pink band is bordered by a narrow reddish brown band .... Click to continue> |
Eublemma moth (Eublemma sp) |

This moth is similar to Eublemma cochylioides but smaller. It has a broad pink band edged with dark red on each forewing. The pink band forms a V-shape when wings are at rest. The head is white and the thorax is buff coloured. The pink band is... Click to continue> |
no common name (Grammodes justa) |

Grammodes justa is a dark brown moth with two parallel white lines across each forewing, and one white line on each hindwing. When at rest it holds its wings in an equilateral triangle shape. Click to continue> |
Cotton Bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) |

The Cotton Bollworm moth has brown forewings with a single dark spot on the wing surrounded by fine dark markings. The hind wings are light brown with a dark border with a light patch in the border. The underside of the forewing has a small black... Click to continue> |
Native Budworm, Heliothis punctigera (Helicoverpa punctigera) |

The adult Native Budworm moth has brown forewings with fine darker markings. The hind wings are buff with a dark border. The underside has dark bands near ends of each wing and two black spots under the forewings. The caterpillar is pale green... Click to continue> |
Hypena moth (Hypena laceratalis) |

Hypena laceratalis is a triangular shaped moth. The forewings are shades of brown with lilaac coloured curve, and small flame-shaped zigzag pattern near tips of wings. The hindwings are plain brown. Click to continue> |
Sugar Cane Armyworm (Leucania stenographa) |

The Sugar Cane Armyworm is a brown moth of the Noctuidae family. The forewings have a row of several small dark dots about three quarters way to the wing tip. The hind wings are pale brown with a broken dark line around the border. They are called... Click to continue> |
Sugarcane Looper (Mocis frugalis) |

The adult Sugarcane Looper moth is brown with a diagonal dark line with a pale edge across each forewing. There is a row of dark dots between the line and the trailing edge of the forewing. There is also a dark dot on each forewing near the apex on... Click to continue> |
Fruit-piercing moth (Noctua sp) |

Not sure what species this is. It could be a Noctua species - alternatively it may be in the genus Hypocala This moth is plain brown when seen with wings folded. The hind wings are orange with a black spot in the centre and a black margin. Click to continue> |
Green Drab moth (Ophiusa tirhaca) |

Ophiusa tirhaca is a brown moth of the Noctuidae family. The forewings are light brown with prominent vein pattern, and wide irregular dark brown border along the outer edge of the wing. There is a dark brown spot two thirds of the way down the... Click to continue> |
noctuid moth (Pantydia sparsa) |

Pantydia sparsa is a brownish moth with a dark brown or reddish brown band parallel to the outer margin of the forewing. There is a lighter scalloped border around the outer edge of the forewings. The outer third of the hindwings each are dark. Click to continue> |
Grapevine Moth (Phalaenoides glycinae) |

The adult Grapevine Moth is black with bold white markings on the forewings, and a white outer margin on the hindwings. The abdomen is black above with orange stripes below. There are red tufts of hair at the tip of the abdomen, and around the base... Click to continue> |
no common name (Proteuxoa sp) |

The adult of this Proteuxoa species has very dark brown, almost black forewings with creamy brown spot on each forewing. The head is brown and the front of the thorax is lighter brown. Click to continue> |
Granny's Cloak Moth (Speiredonia spectans) |

Granny's Cloak Moth is a large brownish grey moth with eye spots and scalloped pattern. These are the large fluttering moths you often see in dark places around the house. From a distance it looks like a boring dark brown moth, but up close it has a... Click to continue> |