Australian Moths
FAMILY : Gelechiid Moths
no common name (Orthoptila abruptella) |

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Gelechiid Moth (Stegasta variana) |

This Gelechiid Moth has dark brown forewings, with white and orange markings. Click to continue> |
FAMILY : Herminiid Moths
no common name (Adrapsa ablualis) |

The adult Adrapsa ablualis moth is brown with a white mark on each forewing, and a white line across each forewing. Click to continue> |
no common name (Hydrillodes sp) |

Moths in the genus Hydrillodesare fairly drab coloured. This one is brown with a broad lighter brown band across the forewings. There is a dark spot on each forewing. There are a number of similar species that cannot be distinguished from... Click to continue> |
no common name (Simplicia caeneusalis) |

The adult Simplicia caeneusalis moth is brown with a straight white line across the margin of each forewing. There is a curved white line along the margin of each hindwing. At rest it forms an equilateral triangle shape. Click to continue> |
FAMILY : Leafrollers, Bell Moths
no common name (Asthenoptycha iriodes) |

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no common name (Capua euphona) |

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no common name (Capua intractana) |

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no common name (Cnephasia orthias) |

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Cotton Tip Worm (Crocidosema plebejana) |

The adult Cotton Tip Worm moth is pale brown and white with a marbled pattern. The ends of the wings have a corrugated look with two small thin yellow stripes near the tips of the forewings. Click to continue> |
Ivy Leafroller (Cryptoptila immersana) |

The Ivy Leafroller is a brown moth mottled with shades of brown and grey. Females have bolder pattern of dark brown and light brown patches, while males are more plain brown. Females are larger than males. When at rest, the wings are held curved... Click to continue> |
Codling Moth (Cydia pomonella) |

The Codling Moth originated in Europe and is a serious horticultural pest of fruit trees. The adult moth is dull grey or brown with fine mottled pattern and dark copper brown band at the wing tips. Larvae are white with black heads, becoming pinkish... Click to continue> |
Light Brown Apple Moth (Epiphyas postvittana) |

Adult moths have orange brown forewings with dark brown markings. The back half of the forewing is dark brown in males, while females have much smaller brown patch. The hindwings are light brown. When at rest the forewings cover the hindwings. This... Click to continue> |
no common name (Heliocosma argyroleuca) |

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no common name (Isochorista ranulana) |

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Orange Fruit Borer (Isotenes miserana) |

The Orange Fruit Borer moth is variable in colour and pattern. They are light grey, with darker brown or grey markings and speckles on the forewings. The caterpillar is brown on top and light grey underneath, with a dark brown head capsule and a... Click to continue> |
no common name (Meritastis lythrodana) |

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No common name (Sciaphila debiliana) |

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No common name (Thrinchophora lignigerana) |

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Leafroller Moth (Tortricidae family ) |

Leafroller Moths are small moths in the Tortricidae family. There may be several species shown on this page. They are all mainly brown with greyish markings near the tail. The hind wings are curved giving a corrugated appearance. If you can identify... Click to continue> |
FAMILY : Metalmark Moths
Metalmark Moth (Choreutis ophiosema) |

This Metalmark Moth is a small bell-shaped moth with intricate pattern of orange, pale brown and white. Click to continue> |
FAMILY : Oenosandrid Moths
no common name (Discophlebia catocalina) |

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Boisduval's Autumn Moth (Oenosandra boisduvallii) |

Boisduval's Autumn Moth is a species of moth from the Oenosandridae family. The males and females are quite different in colour. The male is fairly drab with black and white thorax and brownish wings specked with black and orange brown. The female... Click to continue> |
FAMILY : Plume Moths
Plume Moth (Lantanophaga pusillidactyla) |

Lantanophaga pusillidactylais is a grey and brown plume moth, with a darker saddle shaped mark on the abdomen. It feeds on introduced Lantana, but has limited impact on the control of lantana, although it damages flower heads resulting in fewer... Click to continue> |
no common name (Megalorrhipida leucodactyla) |

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