Australian Mantids
FAMILY : Bark Mantids
Boxer Bark Mantid (Paraoxypilus sp) |

Boxer Bark Mantids are a small species of mantis that usually hunt for food on tree trunks and in leaf litter. They are brown with and well camouflaged on tree bark. The males are slender and fully winged, with wings patterned like dead leaf or tree... Click to continue> |
FAMILY : Preying Mantids
Stick Mantis (Archimantis latistyla) |

The Stick Mantis is a large pale brown mantis. It looks like a twig and can be mistaken for an stick insect. The forewings have are two black dots on each side. The females have wings that cover only the front half of the abdomen. Males have wings... Click to continue> |
Ground Mantis (Bolbe pygmaea) |

Bolbe is a genus of praying mantises known by the common name Ground Mantis. Bolbe pygmaea is the smallest praying mantis species in the world. The mantis is brown with fairly straight body having the thorax and abdomen of similar width. Click to continue> |
Mantis (Mantidae family ) |

This Mantis is bright green with wings that cover the full abdomen. The eyes change colour - they are pink during the day, but change colour to ruby red at night. The front claws are orange. The abdomen has yellowish spots on the underside. The... Click to continue> |
Garden Mantis (Orthodera ministralis) |

The Garden Mantis is bright green in color with blue spots on the front legs. The thorax is broad and flat and nearly the same width a the abdomen. The wings cover the whole abdomen Click to continue> |
False Garden Mantid (Pseudomantis albofimbriata) |

False Garden Mantids have two colour forms - they can be green or light brown with a dark spot on inner side of each of the strong spiny front "arms". Adults have a large abdomen. Females have short wings that only cover half of the abdomen. Males... Click to continue> |
Burying Mantis (Sphodropoda tristis) |

The Burying Mantis is a sturdy brown or greyish brown mantis. It has large brown eyes, and black and white spines on its front legs. Females dig a small hole in the ground, to lay their eggs - this is where the common name comes from. Click to continue> |
Purple-winged Mantis (Tenodera australasiae) |

The Purple-winged Mantis is a large mantis with a long narrow body. The wings are purple or dark brown with green margins. The head and body are light brown, and the eyes are green. The thorax is long and the forelegs are spiny like other mantis... Click to continue> |