Australian Flies
FAMILY : Blowflies
Blowfly (Amenia unknown species) |

This Blowfly has a bright orange yellow head and brilliant metallic blue body with black cross bands on abdomen. It looks similar to the Snail Parasite Blowfly but does not have the large white spots. Not sure if it a different species of just a... Click to continue> |
Snail Parasite Blowfly (Amenia imperialis) |

This Snail Parasite Blowfly has a bright orange yellow head with brownish eyes. The body is metallic green and blue with white spots. I'm not sure how widely used the common name is. Click to continue> |
Oriental Latrine Fly (Chrysomya megacephala) |

The Oriental Latrine Fly is a shiny greenish-blue blow fly with a yellow face and large reddish eyes. It is often found in large numbers around latrines, slaughter-houses, animal facilities, meat markets and fish markets. Click to continue> |
Sheep Blowfly (Lucilia sp.) |

The Sheep Blowfly has greenish body with metallic sheen, and a silver head. Click to continue> |
Blowfly (Metallea sp) |

This blowfly is greyish with brown patterned abdomen. They have prominent bristles on the thorax and abdomen. Click to continue> |
Blowfly (Rhiniinae subfamily ) |

The head and thorax of this blowfly are blue mottled with black. The abdomen is banded black and creamy colour, with some mottling. The mouthparts are quite prominent. Click to continue> |
FAMILY : Bush Flies
Bush Fly (Dichaetomyia sp) |

This species of Dichaetomyia has reddish brown body and red eyes. The body is stocky with strong bristles. These flies are related to the common house fly. Click to continue> |
Housefly (Musca domestica) |

The Housefly is the most common fly in homes, and one of the most widely distributed insects in the world. The Housefly has four narrow black stripes running along the thorax. The abdomen is gray or yellowish with a dark midline and irregular dark... Click to continue> |
FAMILY : Crane Flies
Crane Fly (Tipulidae family ) |

Crane Flies have slender bodies and very long legs. The wings are long and narrow. They look like huge Mosquitoes but fortunately they do not bite - in fact adult Crane Flies do not feed at all. Click to continue> |
FAMILY : Dolichopodid Flies
Long Legged Fly (Austrosciapus connexus) |

Long Legged Flies have a metallic green appearance. The abdomen is green and black stripes and wings have black bands. As their common name suggests, they have long legs. Click to continue> |
FAMILY : Flesh Flies
Grey-Striped Fly (Sarcophaga aurifrons) |

Grey-Striped Fly have black and grey stripes running down thorax from the head and do not have a metallic appearance. The eyes are orange red. Click to continue> |
FAMILY : Fruit Flies
Mediterranean Fruit Fly (Ceratitis capitata) |

The Mediterranean Fruit Fly has an oval abdomen with fine black bristles above, and two narrow light bands on the rear half of the body. The thorax is white or yellow with pattern of black blotches. The wings are held in a drooping position on live... Click to continue> |
Fruit Fly (Tephritidae family ) |

Fruit Flies are small to medium sized flies. This species has bright red eyes. When at rest, they often hold their wings outwards like paddles. This fly is larger than the Vinegar Flies which also feed on fruit. Click to continue> |
FAMILY : Horse Flies, March Flies
Flower-feeding March Fly (Scaptia auriflua) |

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March Fly (Tabanidae family ) |

March Flies (also known as Horse Flies) are large strongly built flies with large eyes - the male's eyes meet in the middle. The eyes often reflect iridescent colour patterns. The "feet" (or tarsi) have three pads instead of two. Some species have... Click to continue> |
FAMILY : Hover Flies
Wasp-mimicking Hover Fly (Ceriana sp) |

This Ceriana species is banded black and orange like a wasp. The antennae appear to be joined at the bottom and branch out in a y-shape? They probably mimic wasps to deter predators. Click to continue> |
Hover Fly (Episyrphus sp) |

This Hover Fly may be Episyrphus viridaureus. It has orange-yellow body with narrow dark bands like a wasp. The eyes are reddish. Click to continue> |
Native Drone Fly (Eristalinus punctulatus) |

The Native Drone Fly is a brightly coloured hover fly with large strange spotted eyes. The body is black and orange striped. They have a hovering flight and make a droning noise like a bee, hence the common name. Click to continue> |
Common Hover Fly (Ischiodon scutellaris) |

The Common Hover Fly has black and yellow striped abdomen and looks a bit like a wasp. They are often seen hovering near flowers. They feed on nectar and help to pollinate the flowers. The larvae are brown. Click to continue> |
Common Hover Fly (Melangyna viridiceps) |

The Common Hover Fly is a slim bodied fly with reddish brown eyes, dark thorax and black and yellow banded abdomen. The larvae is brownish grub. This fly is sometimes mistaken for a wasp. Click to continue> |
Hoverfly (Simosyrphus grandicornis) |

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FAMILY : Lauxaniidae
no common name (Homoneura sp) |

This Homoneura species is a small fly with large red compound eyes. The body is orange brown with sparse long hairs. The legs are quite long and the wings are smoky coloured with dark spots. The larvae feed in leaf litter. Click to continue> |
FAMILY : Mosquitoes
Asian Tiger Mosquito (Aedes albopictus) |

The Asian Tiger Mosquito has white bands on the abdomen, and white bands on the legs and white tips to the palps. The back of the thorax is black with a white stripe down the center from the back of the head. beginning at the dorsal surface of the... Click to continue> |
Dengue Mosquito (Aedes aegypti) |

The Dengue Mosquito is a pest mosquito and can be a carrier of Dengue fever, Yellow fever, Murray Valley encephalitis and Ross River virus. The female mosquito is dark coloured with white markings on the back and white bands on the legs. The thorax... Click to continue> |
Brown House Mosquito (Culex quinquefasciatus) |

The Brown House Mosquito is a medium sized mosquito. The female is pale brown with darker brown thorax with paler markings. The male has large palps and feathery antennae, the female has smaller palps and less hairy antennae. Adult mosquitoes are... Click to continue> |