Australian Beetles
FAMILY : Hide Beetles
Larder Beetle (Dermestes lardarius) |

The Larder Beetle is a common insect pest of stored food products. It is a black or dark brown oval shaped beetle, with a band of pale hairs on the front half of the elytra (hardened front wings). There are patches of darker hairs within the light... Click to continue> |
FAMILY : Jewel Beetles
Painted Jewel Beetle (Buprestis novemmaculata) |

The Painted Jewel Beetle is an exotic introduced pest. The body is brown and shiny, with four yellow spots on each of the elytra (hardened front wings). The first spot is the smallest and the third spot is the biggest. The shape of spots is highly... Click to continue> |
Jewel Beetle (Temognatha alternata) |

Temognatha attenuata is a striking jewel beetle with bright yellow and red bands on the greenish blue wing covers. The head and thorax are dark blue green. The wing covers are lined with rows of fine pits along the length giving it a furrowed... Click to continue> |
FAMILY : Lined Flat Bark Beetles
Flat Grain Beetle (Cryptolestes pusillus) |

The Flat Grain Beetle is a small reddish brown beetle. It is flat and slender with wing covers that are twice as long as they are wide. The head and thorax are nearly as long as the abdomen. It has long beaded antennae. Adult beetles are strong... Click to continue> |
FAMILY : Lycid Beetles
Lycid Beetle (Lycidae family ) |

Lycid Beetles have a soft flattened body. They are usually brick red and black in colour,. The wing covers have prominent ridges along their length. The antennae are serrated and quite broad. Their bright colour is a warning to predators that they... Click to continue> |
FAMILY : Rove Beetles
Rove Beetle (Staphylinidae family ) |

Rove beetles are long thin beetles. Most species have very small elytra (wing covers) that cover only a small part of the abdomen. The abdominal segments are flexible. Many species live in the soil and are rarely seen. They are usually black or... Click to continue> |
FAMILY : Sap Beetles
Small Hive Beetle (Aethina tumida) |

The Small Hive Beetle is a small flattened oval shaped beetle. It is dark brown to black. Adults are reddish when they emerge from the pupa but soon darken. Larvae are small white grubs with a ridge of spine along the back. The beetle is an... Click to continue> |
Hibiscus Flower Beetle (Nitidulidae family ) |

This species of Sap Beetle is a small oval black beetle with knobbed antennae. The wing covers have some fine hairs. Click to continue> |
FAMILY : Silvanid Flat Bark Beetles
Merchant Grain Beetle (Oryzaephilus mercator) |

The Merchant Grain Beetle is a slender, flattened dark brown beetle. It has six saw tooth projections on each side of the thorax. The wing covers have grooves along their length. It is very similar to the similar to the Sawtoothed Grain Beetle which... Click to continue> |
Sawtoothed Grain Beetle (Oryzaephilus surinamensis) |

The Sawtoothed Grain Beetle is a slender brown beetle with tooth-like serrations on each side of the thorax. It is very similar to the similar to the Merchant Grain Beetle which has larger eyes and squarer head. The adult Merchant Grain Beetle can... Click to continue> |
FAMILY : Soldier Beetles
Soldier Beetle (Cantharidae family ) |

Soldier Beetles are similar in appearance to Lycid Beetles and have a soft flattened body. They are usually coloured in combinations of black, brown and yellow. Some species have a black and yellow striped abdomen like a wasp. The antennae are not... Click to continue> |
FAMILY : Stag Beetles
Brown Stag Beetle (Rhyssonotus nebulosus) |

The Brown Stag Beetle is a brown and black scarab beetles. The males usually have large jaws which they use to wrestle each other for mating territory. They are not aggressive to humans. Click to continue> |
FAMILY : Wedge-shaped Beetles
Humped-backed Beetle (Rhipiphoridae family sp2) |

The Humped-backed Beetle shown here is dark purplish brown with lighter brown markings that get denser towards the head and rear. It appear to have its head tucked in under the thorax when at rest. Click to continue> |
unknown (Rhipiphoridae family sp1) |

This beetle has unusual branched antennae that look a bit like moose antlers. I found this one near our outdoor light. From a distance it has the appearance of a click beetle, but closerinspection shows these strange antennae. Two other beetle... Click to continue> |