Australian Beetles
FAMILY : Bark-gnawing Beetles
Cadelle Beetle (Tenebroides mauritanicus) |

The adult Cadelle Beetle is a shiny black insect with an elongated flattened body. It has a distinct "waist" between the thorax and the wing covers. Males have lots of very fine punctures on the underside of the abdomen, whereas females have fewer... Click to continue> |
FAMILY : Bess Beetles
Bess beetle (Aulacocyclus edentulus) |

Aulacocyclus edentulus is a shiny dark brown or black beetle. The body is elongated with parallel sides and a distinct waist between the thorax and the wing covers. The wing covers are ribbed with parallel groove running along the length. The head... Click to continue> |
FAMILY : Carcass Beetles
Carcass Beetle (Omorgus alternans) |

Omorgus is a genus of beetles in the Trogidae family. Omorgus alternans is a robust untidy looking carcass beetle with rough knobby surface to the wing covers and thorax. The head is bent downwards and hidden from view by the pronotum (the first... Click to continue> |
Carcass Beetle (Omorgus amictus) |

Carcass beetles or Hide beetles belong to the Trogidae family, represented in Australia by the Omorgus genus. Omorgus amictus is a dull brown beetle, and like other species in the genus has a rough body texture, but more even bumps than Omorgus... Click to continue> |
Carcass Beetle (Omorgus costatus) |

Like other members of the genus in Australia, Omorgus costatus is a robust rough looking carcass beetle with a thick exoskeleton and a wrinkled lumpy appearance. It is a dark brown oval shaped beetle. Click to continue> |
FAMILY : Clerid Beetles
Clerid beetle (Eleale lepida) |

Clerid beetles are elongate, hairy beetles with large often bulging eyes, strong biting mandibles and clubbed antennae. They are often metallic or have bright contrasting colour patterns. Some species are mimics of certain ants and wasps. Click to continue> |
Clerid Beetle (Eunatalis porcata) |

Eunatalis porcata is a dark brown or black clerid beetle. The wing covers have rows of small squarish pits along the length of the body. The body is covered in fne short hairs, with reddish brown hairs on the "feet". Click to continue> |
Blacklegged Ham Beetle (Necrobia violacea) |

The Blacklegged Ham Beetle is dark blue black, with black legs and antennae. It is similar to the Red-legged Ham Beetle (Necrobia rufipes), which can be distinguished by its reddish legs and antennae. It is a minor pest of stored products, but is... Click to continue> |
Red-legged Ham Beetle (Necrobia rufipes) |

The Red-legged Ham Beetle is a shiny metallic blue green beetle. The antennae are reddish brown with dark brown or black club at tip. The legs are reddish brown or orange. The elytra are covered with bristle-like hairs. The underside of abdomen is... Click to continue> |
Yellow-horned Clerid (Trogodendron fasciculatum) |

The Yellow-horned Clerid is a small black beetle in the cleridae family. It has yellow antennae broadening towards the tips. The wing covers have small bumps at the "shoulders" and there are white hairs on the body. Click to continue> |
FAMILY : Click Beetles
Click Beetle (Elateridae family ) |

Click Beetles are a long thin oval shape. The body is dark brown with lined pattern along the back. The antennae are serrated. When threatened r overturned, Click Beetles can flick themselves into the air with a clicking sound. The beetle does this... Click to continue> |
FAMILY : Death Watch Beetles
Common Furniture Beetle (Anobium punctatum) |

The Common Furniture Beetle is an introduced pest to Australia. The adult beetles are brown with yellowish hairs, and reddish-brown legs. The first segment of the thorax forms a hood which hides the head. The antennae are club shaped with last three... Click to continue> |
Pine Bark Anobiid (Ernobius mollis) |

The Pine Bark Anobiid is an oval shaped beetle with short golden hairs giving it a reddish brown colour. The body darkens with age as the pale hairs are gradually worn away. The body is fairly smooth without pits (unlike the more serious pest, the... Click to continue> |
Cigarette Beetle (Lasioderma serricorne) |

The adult Cigarette Beetle is a small reddish brown beetle with a rounded, oval shape. The wing covers are covered with fine hair. The head is hidden by the pronotum when the beetle is seen from above. Cigarette Beetles are very similar to Drugstore... Click to continue> |
Golden Spider Beetle (Niptus hololeucus) |

The Golden Spider Beetle is brown and covered with golden yellow hair. The body shape resembles a spider with rounded abdomen, narrow thorax and rounded head. It has long thin legs and long segmented antennae. The larvae are yellow-white grubs with... Click to continue> |
Drugstore Beetle (Stegobium paniceum) |

The Drugstore Beetle is a member of the same family as the Common Furniture Beetle and the Cigarette Beetle. It is a reddish brown beetle with rows of pits in fine lines along the wing covers. The antennae have a three segment club at the end. The... Click to continue> |
FAMILY : False Powderpost Beetles
Powderpost beetle (Lyctus brunneus) |

The Powderpost beetle is a dark brown or reddish brown shiny beetle, with the thorax usually appearing darker than the elytra. The body is flattened and elongated. The antennae are about the same length as the thorax , with the end segments forming... Click to continue> |
Lesser Grain Borer (Rhyzopertha dominica) |

The Lesser Grain Borer is a small black or dark brown beetle. The body is slender and cylindrical. The head is hidden under the prothorax which is finely textured with bumps and dimples. The elytra (hardened front wings forming the shell) have rows... Click to continue> |
FAMILY : Ground Beetles
Green Carab Beetle (Calosoma schayeri) |

The Green Carab Beetle is a metallic green colour with fine parallel ridges running along the wing covers. When handled it gives off an unpleasant scent. It is a night flying beetle and is attracted to lights and often swarms in large numbers at... Click to continue> |
Ground Beetle (Drypta sp) |

This beetle has a reddish brown body with black round the edges of the wing covers and down centre of back. The body has fine ridges runnning along the length of the wing covers. It has distinct waist and fairly long legs. The eyes are bulging eyes... Click to continue> |
Bombardier Beetle (Pheropsophus verticalis) |

The Bombardier Beetle is a black and brown ground beetle belonging to the Carabidae family. The wing covers are mostly black, each having a large brown patch in the middle. When threatened, it can create an explosion from its rear end. It has a... Click to continue> |
FAMILY : Hairy Fungus Beetles
Hairy Fungus Beetle (Typhaea stercorea) |

The adult Hairy Fungus Beetle is a small brown oval-shaped hairy beetle. The wing covers (elytra) are hairy with parallel lines of fine ridges along the length. The antennae have a club shape at the tips. The larvae are white to pale brown. Click to continue> |
FAMILY : Hide Beetles
Museum Beetle (Anthrenus museorum) |

The Museum Beetle is a compact rounded beetle with a small head and a mottled pattern of black and white scales. This beetle is a significant pest infesting stored goods, especially specimens in museum collections where it can be very destructive to... Click to continue> |
Varied Carpet Beetle (Anthrenus verbasci) |

The Varied Carpet Beetle is an introduced pest species. It is a small beetle with rounded body patterned with dark brown and white blotched bands. The beetle can be a serious household pest. It feeds on natural fibers and can damage carpets,... Click to continue> |
Black Carpet Beetle (Attagenus unicolor) |

The Black Carpet Beetle is an insect pest that damages animal based materials in homes and other premises. The adult is a small oval black beetle with brown legs and short antennae. The larvae are brown and covered in bristles. Click to continue> |