Australian Fish
FAMILY : Lizardfishes.
Variegated Lizardfish (Synodus variegatus) |

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FAMILY : Fangtooth
Fangtooth (Anoplogaster cornuta) |

The Fangtooth is a carnivorous fish with a large mouth and long sharp curved teeth. The body is black or dark brown. The lateral line is an open groove with some bridging scales. The eye is small. Juveniles have large eyes and small teeth. Despite... Click to continue> |
FAMILY : Pineconefishes
Pineapplefish (Cleidopus gloriamaris) |

The pineapplefish has a distinctive pineapple pattern created by its large scales with black margins. The background colour varies from yellow to orange. It has a light organ on the sides of the lower jaw to help it find prey at night. The light is... Click to continue> |
FAMILY : Redfishes, slime heads, roughies
Orange Roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus) |

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FAMILY : Soldierfishes, squirrelfishes
Spotfin Squirrelfish (Neoniphon sammara) |

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Sabre Squirrelfish (Sargocentron spiniferum) |

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FAMILY : Lungfish
Australian Lungfish (Neoceratodus forsteri) |

Lungfish are primitive fish that can breathe air using their single lung. The Australian Lungfish is a long, heavy-bodied freshwater fish that looks a bit like a fat eel. It has five pairs of gills and flipper shaped fins. Adult Lungfish are... Click to continue> |
FAMILY : Wolf herring
Dorab Wolf Herring (Chirocentrus dorab) |

The Dorab Wolf Herring has an elongated body covered with small scales. It has a single dorsal fin and anal fin positioned in the back half of the body. The mouth tilts upward and has large canine teeth in both jaws. The fish is blue-green above,... Click to continue> |
FAMILY : Carps and minnows
Carp (Cyprinus carpio) |

The Carp is a native of Asia, but has been introduced widely to other countries including Australia. The Carp has small eyes, thick lips with two barbels (like little whiskers) at each corner of the mouth. The scales are large. Colour ranges from... Click to continue> |
FAMILY : Loaches
Oriental Weatherloach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) |

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FAMILY : Morid cods or moras
Beardie (Lotella rhacina) |

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FAMILY : Dragonfishes and sea moths
Little Dragonfish (Eurypegasus draconis) |

The Little Dragonfish is extremely well camouflaged and can resemble pieces of shell or rubble. It can be very difficult to see underwater because of its camouflage. Males have a broad bluish white margin on the pectoral fins, and can spread the... Click to continue> |
FAMILY : Oarfishes
Oarfish (Regalecus glesne) |

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FAMILY : Opahs
Opah (Lampris guttatus) |

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FAMILY : Lefteye flounders
Panther Flounder (Bothus pantherinus) |

The Panther Flounder is brown with a pattern of dark spots surrounded by paler spots. It also has numerous orange spots and usually a singe dark blotch on the middle straight section of the lateral line. It is a "lefteye flounder" - the right eye... Click to continue> |
FAMILY : Salmon
Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) |

Moderately deep, torpedo-shaped body with a large terminal mouth extending slightly obliquely to below the eyes. Short-based dorsal fin high on back originating in front of ventral fins; fleshy adipose fin behind dorsal. Colour variable, usually... Click to continue> |
FAMILY : Eeltail catfishes
Striped Catfish (Plotosus lineatus) |

Brown to black body with white stripes. Four pairs of barbels around the mouth. Eel-like body shape that tapers to a point posteriorly. Small juveniles are black. Large adults may be less distinctly striped. Body size up to 35 cm.
It eats... Click to continue> |
FAMILY : Barbeled dragonfishes
Sloan's Viperfish (Chauliodus sloani) |

Sloan's Viperfish is an iridescent silver fish with a slender body. The dorsal fin is located well forward. Found in deep water but may migrate to near-surface waters at night. Click to continue> |
FAMILY : Dories
John Dory (Zeus faber) |

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