Australian Damselfish
FAMILY : Damselfishes
Indo-Pacific Sergeant (Abudefduf vaigiensis) |

The Indo-Pacific Sergeant has a white body with five black bars. The upper part of the body usually has a yellow tint. The tail is unmarked, unlike the similar Scissortail Sergeant which has a black stripe along each lobe of the tail. Click to continue> |
Narrow-Banded Sergeant Major (Abudefduf bengalensis) |

The Narrow-Banded Sergeant Major is a white fish with six or seven narrow black bands on the body. The tail has rounded lobes. They are seen as individuals or in small groups . Click to continue> |
Scissortail Sergeant (Abudefduf sexfasciatus) |

The Scissortail Sergeant is a white fish with five vertical black bands on the body. The tail has two lobes with a dark stripe along each lobe. They are often seen in large groups. Click to continue> |
Staghorn Damsel (Amblyglyphidodon curacao) |

The Staghorn Damsel is silvery green with three or four broad dark bars. The underside is paler. The tail has a dark margin. Groups are often seen feeding over growths of staghorn coral (Acropora species). Click to continue> |
Barrier Reef Anemonefish (Amphiprion akindynos) |

The Barrier Reef Anemonefish is brown with two black-edged white bars. The first bar crosses the head. The second bar crosses the body at the middle of the dorsal fin. The tail is white. Juveniles are brown with three white stripes. Click to continue> |
Clark's Anemonefish (Amphiprion clarkii) |

Clark's Anemonefish is variable in color. It has two white bands - one behind the eye and one above the anus. It usually has a third bar at the tail base. The tail fin is white, or yellowish. Clark's Anemonefish has a wider bar on the side of the... Click to continue> |
Clown Anemonefish (Clownfish) (Amphiprion percula) |

The Clown Anemonefish is normally bright orange with three white bars, the middle one with a forward-projecting bulge. The bars have narrow black margins and the fins have black edges. The Clownfish became famous in the Pixar movie "Finding Nemo".... Click to continue> |
False-Clown Anemonefish (Amphiprion ocellaris) |

The False-Clown Anemonefish is orange with black markings on the fins. It has three white bars with one on the head, one on the body and a third bar on the tail stem. The central bar usually has a rounded bulge. There is a black form with white bars... Click to continue> |
Orange-fin Anemonefish (Amphiprion chrysopterus) |

The Orange-fin Anemonefish is brown, dark brown or black with two white or pale blue bars. One bar is behind the eye and the other is on the body before the anus. It has a short deep body and is laterally compressed. The dorsal fin is yellow to... Click to continue> |
Pink Anemonefish (Amphiprion perideraion) |

The Pink Anemonefish is pink or pale orange colour with white band down each side behind the head and a white stripe down the back. It has a white tail. It is found in depths from 3m to 30m. Click to continue> |
Red and Black Anemonefish (Amphiprion melanopus) |

The Red and Black Anemonefish has black sides and red to orange breast and belly. There is single vertical black-edged white bar on the head behind the eye, although some fish have no bar. e of the body is black. Juveniles are red with additional... Click to continue> |
Humbug (Dascyllus aruanus) |

The Humbug is a small fish from the coral reefs. It is white with three black bands on body. There is no black markings on the tail. The young are nearly all black Click to continue> |
Three-spot Dascyllus (Dascyllus trimaculatus) |

The Three-spot Dascyllus is bluish with dark scale margins. Juveniles have a white spot on the forehead and one on each side of the body. The forehead spot disappears with age and the side spots fades. Click to continue> |
White-Ear (Parma microlepis) |

Body deep, head blunt, dorsal fin long-based, caudal fin forked with rounded tips. Yellowish-brown to blackish-grey with a white patch on the gill cover (operculum) at all sizes. Small juveniles bright orange with iridescent blue markings above, and... Click to continue> |
Spine-cheek Anemonefish (Premnas biaculeatus) |

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