Australian Wildlife

Australian Woodswallows

FAMILY : Currawongs, Magpies, Butcherbirds

Black-faced Woodswallow
(Artamus cinereus)
Black-faced Woodswallow
The Black-faced Woodswallow is a grey bird with black on the face from the eye to around the bill. The tail is black with white tip. Young birds are browner in colour. It is similar to the Masked Woodswallow (A. personatus) which has a larger face... Click to continue>
Dusky Woodswallow
(Artamus cyanopterus)
Dusky Woodswallow
The Dusky Woodswallow is a brownish grey woodswallow with dark grey wings. The wings have a distinctive white edge is visible when the bird is at rest. The tail is black with white tip. It is very similar to the Little Woodswallow which has darker... Click to continue>
Little Woodswallow
(Artamus minor)
Little Woodswallow
The Little Woodswallow has a dark brown body and dark grey wings. The tail is black with white tip. It is very similar to the Dusky Woodswallow which is significantly larger, has lighter brown body and distinctive white wing edge which is absent in... Click to continue>
Masked Woodswallow
(Artamus personatus)
Masked Woodswallow
The Masked Woodswallow is a grey woodswallow. The wings and tail are mid grey, and the underside is pale grey. Males have black face from above eye down to throat, and narrow pale band separating the black patch from the grey back and chest..... Click to continue>
White-breasted Woodswallow
(Artamus leucorynchus)
White-breasted Woodswallow
The White-breasted Woodswallow has a grey head, throat, back and wings. The chest and belly are white. The underside of the wings is white. The tail is dark. It is the only woodswallow with all white chest and belly. Juveniles have light underside,... Click to continue>
White-browed Woodswallow
(Artamus superciliosus)
White-browed Woodswallow
The White-browed Woodswallow is a grey bird with a distinctive white eyebrow. The back and wings are blue grey and the lower breast to under the tail is a rich chestnut brown. The underside of the wings and underside of the tail are pale... Click to continue>

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