Australian Plovers, Lapwings
FAMILY : Plovers, Lapwings
Double-banded Plover (Charadrius bicinctus) |

The Double-banded Plover is a small shorebird. The non breeding plumage is brown above and white below, with pale neck band and pale band above the eye. The breeding plumage has narrow dark band on upper chest and broader reddish brown band on lower... Click to continue> |
Greater Sand Plover (Charadrius leschenaultii) |

The Greater Sand Plover is a small wader. The non breeding plumage is grey above extending down from the shoulder to the chest. There is pale edge to the wing feathers giving a scalloped appearance. The dark eye has horizontal white band through it.... Click to continue> |
Inland Dotterel (Charadrius australis) |

The Inland Dotterel is a shorebird that lives in inland Australia. The breeding plumage is pale brown heavily streaked with dark brown above, chestnut coloured breast and belly, white underside and white under tail, black v-shaped band on chest that... Click to continue> |
Kentish Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) |

The Kentish Plover is a small shorebird. The male breeding plumage is brown above with black bar on head, dark bands from the shoulder round part of the breast. breast, reddish brown on back of neck and head. The females are paler brown above and... Click to continue> |
Lesser Sand Plover (Charadrius mongolus) |

The Lesser Sand Plover is a small wader. The non breeding plumage is grey above extending down from the shoulder to the chest. There is pale edge to the wing feathers giving a scalloped appearance. The dark eye has horizontal white band through it.... Click to continue> |
Little Ringed Plover (Charadrius dubius) |

The Little Ringed Plover is a small plover. The adult breeding plumage has grey back, white underside, white neck collar with broad black neck band below the white collar, black face with white patch above the bill (giving the appearance of black... Click to continue> |
Red-capped Plover (Charadrius ruficapillus) |

The Red-capped Plover is a common small plover native to Australia. The male has reddish brown on head and back of the neck, with black partial band on side of the neck, the back is grey and underside is white. The female is duller with less reddish... Click to continue> |
Ringed Plover (Charadrius hiaticula) |

The Ringed Plover is a small shorebird that is a rare vagrant to Australia. The adult breeding plumage has grey back, white underside, white neck collar with broad black neck band below the white collar, black face with white patch above the bill... Click to continue> |
Black-fronted Dotterel (Elseyornis melanops) |

The Black-fronted Dotterel is a small wader. It has bold black band across the head through the eye and a black band round the chest. The top of the head is white with brown cap. The chin, throat and underside is white. The wings and back is brown... Click to continue> |
Red-kneed Dotterel (Erythrogonys cinctus) |

The Red-kneed Dotterel is a small wader. It has black head, white flower face, chin and throat, black band round the neck that is broad on the chest. There is a chestnut patch on the side joining the breast band. The back grey Juveniles are duller... Click to continue> |
Grey Plover (Pluvialis squatarola) |

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Pacific Golden Plover (Pluvialis fulva) |

In Australia mostly seen in non-breeding plumage, which is a brown back. Wings and tail speckled with yellowish brown; underparts are pale brown with darker streaks. It has a distinct whitish eyebrow. Breeding males have a black face and underparts... Click to continue> |
Hooded dotterel (Thinornis rubricollis) |

Upper body brown-grey, underparts white. Head black, back of neck black with a wide white patch. Red ring around eye. Body up to 23 cm long.
Hooded Plovers are locally nomadic; they do not migrate to other countries. They feed on insects,... Click to continue> |
Banded Lapwing (Vanellus tricolor) |

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Masked Plover (Vanellus miles) |

The Masked Plover is white below, with brown wings and back and a black crown. It has yellow wattle son face, and have a thorny spur from the joint of each wing Click to continue> |
FAMILY : Thick-knees
Bush Stone-curlew (Burhinus grallarius) |

The Bush Stone-curlew is a large long-legged bird that is well camouflaged in grey and brown colours. When approached it freezes. Often active at night, when its loud wailing sound can be heard from a long distance. Sometimes seen in the outer... Click to continue> |
Beach Stone-curlew (Esacus neglectus) |

The Beach Stone-curlew is a large grey brown shorebird with large heavy bill. It has black head with long white stripe above the eye an black and white chin and throat. The wings have dark grey bar edged with white. The underside is white. The bill... Click to continue> |