Australian Cuckoos
FAMILY : Coucals
Pheasant Coucal (Centropus phasianinus) |

The Pheasant Coucal is a large cuckoo similar in shape to the Pheasant. It has a black head, neck and underbody with the upperparts and wings reddish-brown with black and cream barring It moves clumsily through undergrowth and does not fly far. Click to continue> |
FAMILY : Old World Cuckoos
Brush Cuckoo (Cacomantis variolosus) |

The Brush Cuckoo is a fairly small cuckoo. Adults are brownish grey above with pale reddish brown underside. It has grey eye ring and the tail is white tipped, but not edged with white marks like some other cuckoo species. Young birds are brown... Click to continue> |
Chestnut-breasted Cuckoo (Cacomantis castaneiventris) |

Chestnut-breasted Cuckoo is grey above with bright chestnut coloured breast and belly. It has a dark eye surrounded by pale eye ring. It has some white markings on the tail. Young birds are reddish brown above with paler yellowish brown underside.... Click to continue> |
Fan-tailed Cuckoo (Cacomantis flabelliformis) |

The Fan-tailed Cuckoo is a grey bird with reddish brown chest and pale belly. It has a yellow eye ring. The tail is edged with white marking giving the tail an almost serrated appearance. Young birds are brown above with paler finely barred pale... Click to continue> |
Black-eared Cuckoo (Chrysococcyx osculans) |

The Black-eared Cuckoo is dull grey brown colour. It has a black eye-stripe. The underside is cinnamon brown. the legs and feet are black and the bill is black. the tail is grey brown above wit white tip and barred with cream and brown below. this... Click to continue> |
Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo (Chrysococcyx basalis) |

Horsefield's Bronze-Cuckoo is olive-brown above with pale scale pattern, with a bronze to green sheen on the back. It has a dark-brown eye stripe and white eyebrow stripe above the eye. The underside is white to cream with dark-brown barring at the... Click to continue> |
Little Bronze-Cuckoo (Chrysococcyx minutillus) |

The Little Bronze-Cuckoo has a dull greenish bronze back, and copper brown bars on the underside. The tail is bronze green, barred with black and white at the sides with a white tip. The legs and feet are dark grey and the bill is dark. The male has... Click to continue> |
Shining Bronze-Cuckoo (Chrysococcyx lucidus) |

The Shining Bronze-Cuckoo grows to only 17 cm in length. It is metallic green above and white cheeks and the underside is pale barred with coppery brown. The bill is black and the feet are black with yellow undersides. The bill is slender. The... Click to continue> |
Fan-tailed Cuckoo (Cuculus pyrrhophanus) |

The Fan-tailed Cuckoo is slate grey above with reddish chest. The eye is black with a yellow ring. The female is similar with duller chest colour. Immatures are buff brown above streaked with darker brown, with grey and brown barred or scaled... Click to continue> |
Oriental Cuckoo (Cuculus optatus) |

The Oriental Cuckoo is a large cuckoo with bold dark bars on white underside. The male has grey head, back and wings, with underside barred with black on white background. The female has two colour forms. The grey morph is similar to male with... Click to continue> |
Pallid Cuckoo (Cuculus pallidus) |

The Pallid Cuckoo is a large grey cuckoo. It has pale grey head with darker eye stripe and is pale grey on the underside. The male has plain grey back and the female has grey with white spotting. The wings and sides of the tail are dark grey with... Click to continue> |
Asian Koel (Eudynamys scolopacea) |

The Koel is a large cuckoo. The male has glossy blue-black plumage and red eye. The female is glossy brown above with white spots and bars. She has a black face and black on top of head, and red eye. The underparts are creamy brown with fine black... Click to continue> |
Eastern Koel (Eudynamys orientalis) |

The Eastern Koel (also known as the Pacific Koel) is a cuckoo from eastern and northern Australia. The male bird is glossy black with red eye, pale bill and long rounded tail. The female upper parts are dark brown with white spots, with dark brown... Click to continue> |
Channel-billed Cuckoo (Scythrops novaehollandiae) |

The Channel-billed Cuckoo has long curved bill and distinctive patch of bare red skin around the eye. Its loud call is often heard at night. Click to continue> |