
Robust Velvet Gecko on house beam, Sunshine Coast, Queensland
Image by OzWildlife - Some rights reserved.

Robust Velvet Gecko on house wall, Sunshine Coast, Queensland
Image by ozwildlife - Some rights reserved.

Robust Velvet Gecko - detail of claw and blotched pattern. Sunshine Coast, Queensland
Image by OzWildlife - Some rights reserved.
Description The Robust Velvet Gecko is a stocky lizard that is often seen climbing around walls of homes near suitable habitat. This reptile is dark brown with large rectangular blotches down the back and tail. If it loses its tail, the regrown tail is mottled rather than blotched.
Size 8cm excluding tail
Habitat woodlands, rock outcrops, shelters under bark. Often found around houses.
Food Feeds on insects and other invertebrates
Breeding Lays clutches of 2 parchment-shelled eggs
Range south east Queensland and northern New South Wales

Credits: Map is from Atlas of Living Australia website at https://biocache.ala.org.au licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Class: | Reptilia | Order: | Squamata (Sauria) | Family: | Gekkonidae | Genus: | Oedura | Species: | robusta | Common Name: | Robust Velvet Gecko |
Relatives in same Genus Velvet Gecko (O. lesueurii)