Description The Frilled Lizard has a large extendible frill round the neck and under throat. When its is alarmed It raises the frill and opens its mouth showing the yellow inside. When resting, the frill is folded over the shoulders. Adults are usually brown or grey. The frill is often tinged with orange-brown. It can run at speed on two legs to escape danger.
Other Names Frilly, Frill-necked Lizard
Size 70-95cm in length (from head to tail). The tail can measure up to 65cm alone. They can weigh up to 500gm. The diameter of the frill is 20-25cm.
Habitat tropical to warm temperate dry forests, woodlands and savanna woodlands, usually with an open shrubby or grass understorey. It climbs trees and can move easily between branches.
Food Spiders, insects such as crickets and cicadas. May also eat small lizards.
Breeding The female Frilled Lizard lays 8 to 23 eggs in the ground around November. The eggs weigh 3-5 grams and hatch in 8-12 weeks. Young Frilled Lizards are fully independent as soon as they hatch.
Range Frilled Lizards are found in northern and north western Australia

Credits: Map is from Atlas of Living Australia website at https://biocache.ala.org.au licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Notes Frilled lizards can be kept as pets in all states of Australia, except Western Australia and Tasmania, with a permit or licence. Under the licence or permit in most areas the lizards must be kept in a warm environment, owners must have experience in keeping reptiles and animals must be captive bred stock purchased from licensed dealers. It is illegal to take animals from the wild.
Class: | Reptilia | Order: | Squamata (Sauria) | Family: | Agamidae | Genus: | Chlamydosaurus | Species: | kingii | Common Name: | Frilled Lizard |