Description The Eastern Tiger Snake is variable in colour in colour from brown, olive, grey to black. The most usual pattern is alternating light and dark bands, which gives rise to the common name. Belly cream, yellow, olive green or grey.
Other Names Mainland Tiger Snake
Size 1.2m
Habitat Wide range of habitats, from rainforest to dry schlerophyll forest, and river floodplains in the south of its range.
Food mainly on frogs, but also on a wide variety of other small vertebrates.
Breeding Females usually give birth to about 20-30 live young in late summer or early autumn.
Range The Eastern Tiger Snake is found in South East Queensland, East of New South Wales and most of Victoria.

Credits: Map is from Atlas of Living Australia website at https://biocache.ala.org.au licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Notes Extremely dangerous and can inflict fatal bites. The venom is highly neurotoxic.
Class: | Reptilia | Order: | Squamata (Serpentes) | Family: | Elapidae | Genus: | Notechis | Species: | scutatus | Common Name: | Eastern Tiger Snake |
Relatives in same Genus Black Tiger Snake (N. ater) King Island Tiger Snake (N. ater humphreysi) Chappell Island Tiger Snake (N. ater serventyi)