Description Body colour varies, including cream, grey, brown, dark red with head usually darker. Two narrow white stripes from the nose along the side of the body. Long, pointed, triangular head. Up to 29 cm long (snout-vent).
Burton's Snake-lizards are the most widespread reptile in Australia. They suffocate live prey, usually other lizards, before swallowing the animals whole, head first. They are active at night and during the day.
Author credit: Museum Victoria Sciences Staff / Museum Victoria
Habitat Many areas, including deserts sands, sclerophyll forests and woodlands.
Food Carnivore
Range Mainland Australia.

Credits: Map is from Atlas of Living Australia website at https://biocache.ala.org.au licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Species Description is from Museums Field Guide, Atlas of Living Australia at website at https://lists.ala.org.au Licensed under Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Class: | Reptilia | Order: | Squamata (Sauria) | Family: | Pygopodidae | Genus: | Lialis | Species: | burtonis | Common Name: | Burton's Legless Lizard |