Description The Broad-tailed Gecko is brown or grey with mottled with fine spots. The tail is broad and tapers to a point. I had this species incorrectly identified as a Northern Leaf-tailed Gecko. Thanks to Stewart Macdonald for correcting the identification.
Size 9,5cm
Habitat sandstone areas where it shelters in crevices and caves
Food insects, spiders and crustaceans
Range restricted to small area of New South Wales from Denman to Kiama and inland to Jenolan caves

Credits: Map is from Atlas of Living Australia website at https://biocache.ala.org.au licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Class: | Reptilia | Order: | Squamata (Sauria) | Family: | Gekkonidae | Genus: | Phyllurus | Species: | platurus | Common Name: | Broad-tailed Gecko |