
New Guinea bockadam or Dog-faced Water Snake
Image by U.S. Geological Survey - License: Public Domain. (view image details)
Description The visibility of upper jaw, giving it a dog-like appearance. Head long and distinct from neck. Eyes small and beady, with rounded pupils. Dorsum dark gray, with faint dark blotches and a dark line along the sides of the head, across the yes. Venter cream with two distinct rows of large, diffuse dark gray spots. Scales are distinctly keeled. Midbody scale rows 21-25. Ventrals 132-160. Subcaudals 49-72. It is rear-fanged and is mildly venomous.
Other Names Dog-faced Water Snake
Size 60cm - 120cm
Habitat mangroves
Food fish and eels
Breeding gives birth to live young, numbering from 8 to 30, either in water or on land.
Range The Bockadam is found in coastal areas of north Australia, from Queensland Gulf of Carpentaria, Northern Territory, to the Kimberley in Western Australia. Also found in India and south east Asia.

Credits: Map is from Atlas of Living Australia website at https://biocache.ala.org.au licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Class: | Reptilia | Order: | Squamata (Serpentes) | Family: | Colubridae | Genus: | Cerberus | Species: | rhynchops | Common Name: | Bockadam |