Description The Tasmanian Pademelon is a small wallaby. It is dark brown or grey-brown above, and lighter red-brown colour underneath. The fur is dense and long.
Other Names Red-bellied Pademelon, Rufous Wallaby
Size Head and body length 60cm. Tail length 40cm.
Habitat Wet eucalypt forest and rainforest. Also dry eucalypt forest with wet gullies or patches of dense vegetation. Common where grassy clearings adjoin suitable shelter vegetation.
Food Grasses and herbaceous plants.
Breeding Gestation takes about 30 days. The young leaves the pouch at age of about 6-7 months.
Range Tasmania. Used to be found on mainland but now extinct there.

Credits: Map is from Atlas of Living Australia website at https://biocache.ala.org.au licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Notes Although partially protected, hunting is allowed. Its pelt is commercially valuable and the meat is palatable.
Class: | Mammalia | Order: | Diprotodontia | Family: | Macropodidae | Genus: | Thylogale | Species: | billardierii | Common Name: | Tasmanian Pademelon |
Relatives in same Genus Red-legged Pademelon (T. stigmatica) Red-necked Pademelon (T. thetis)