Description The Spinner Dolphin gets its name from its habit of leaping out of the water, twirling and landing with noisy splash. The back is dark grey and belly is white. On each side there is a paler gray side panel.
Other Names Spinner Porpoise, Long-snouted Spinner Dolphin
Size Length 1.3m - 2.4m, with average length of about 2m. Weight 55kg - 75kg
Habitat deep ocean water and shallower coastal waters. Swims in schools
Food fish, squid and shrimp
Breeding A single calf is born after gestation period of 10.6 months. Females give birth to one calf every 2 or 3 years. The calf is weaned after 6-7 months.
Range tropical and subtropical waters in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans

Credits: Map is from Atlas of Living Australia website at https://biocache.ala.org.au licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Conservation Status The conservation status in the 2004 IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals is "lower risk/conservation dependent".
Class: | Mammalia | Order: | Cetacea | Family: | Delphinidae | Genus: | Stenella | Species: | longirostris | Common Name: | Spinner Dolphin |
Relatives in same Genus Pantropical Spotted Dolphin (S. attenuata) Striped Dolphin (S. coeruleoalba)