Description The Southern Brown Bandicoot is greyish brown above and cream below. The fur is coarse. The tail and back feet are dark brown.
Other Names Short-nosed Bandicoot
Size head and body 30-36cm. Tail is 9-14cm
Habitat found in areas with low ground cover. Thrives in areas that are partly burned from time to time, as regeneration after fire supports high insect population for food. During the day it rests in grassy nest in long ground cover.
Food worms, insects, larvae. It feeds at night, digging shallow conical holes in the ground in search of food.
Breeding Usually 2-4 young in litter. Young are weaned after 2 months. Two or three litters may be born in a year.
Range southern coastal parts from central NSW to eastern South Australia. Also Tasmania and south west part of WA.

Credits: Map is from Atlas of Living Australia website at https://biocache.ala.org.au licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Class: | Mammalia | Order: | Peramelemorphia | Family: | Peramelidae | Genus: | Isoodon | Species: | obesulus | Common Name: | Southern Brown Bandicoot |