
Red-legged Pademelon photographed at Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary, Brisbane, Queensland.
Image by ozwildlife - Some rights reserved.
Description The Red-legged Pademelon is a small brown wallaby with rust-red legs and face
Size Head and body length 48cm. Tail length 42cm.
Habitat Rainforests, wet Eucalypt forest and sometimes vine thickets.
Food Grass, leaves and fruit.
Breeding Gestation period of 28-30 days. Young leave the pouch by 26 weeks and suckle at foot for a further 4 weeks.
Range eastern Australia from Cape York to northern New South Wales

Credits: Map is from Atlas of Living Australia website at https://biocache.ala.org.au licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Class: | Mammalia | Order: | Diprotodontia | Family: | Macropodidae | Genus: | Thylogale | Species: | stigmatica | Common Name: | Red-legged Pademelon |
Relatives in same Genus Tasmanian Pademelon (T. billardierii) Red-necked Pademelon (T. thetis)