Description The Platypus has short legs and a flat streamlined body. It has distinctive duck bill and webbed feet to assist swimming. The male has a 1.5cm long venom spur on the hind foot. The platypus has thick waterproof hair - dark brown on its back and yellowish underneath. The tail is made up of a fatty tissue used to store energy for when there is a shortage of food. It uses its tail for steering while swimming.
Other Names Duckbill, Duck-billed Platypus
Size 40-50cm long including its tail
Habitat They are found in freshwater dams and streams.
Food invertebrates, small fish, fish eggs, frogs, and tadpoles. The platypus does not have any teeth and chews by grinding its food.
Breeding Two white eggs about 16 to 18mm long They are like reptile eggs with sticky soft skin. The eggs hatch after 10 - 12 days, The young are about 18cm when hatched and remain in burrow for 3 or 4 months. The platypus and the echidna are the only egg laying mammals in Australia.
Range only found in the Eastern parts of Australia from northern Queensland to Tasmania

Credits: Map is from Atlas of Living Australia website at https://biocache.ala.org.au licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Class: | Mammalia | Order: | Monotremata | Family: | Ornithorhynchidae | Genus: | Ornithorhynchus | Species: | anatinus | Common Name: | Platypus |