Identification The Yellow Admiral Butterfly has black forewings with large yellow patch in the centre, and brown wing base. The wing tips have smaller whitish yellow spots. The hindwings are fairly plain brown above and marbled brown below. Male and female butterflies are similar in appearance.
Size Length: 50mm.
Habitat Yellow Admiral Butterflyies prefer damp areas such as gullies, creek banks, riverside, also suburban gardens
Food larvae feed on various plant species including Parietaria debilis, Pipturus argenteus
Range south east Queensland, eastern half of New South Wales, all of Victoria, Tasmania, southeast corner of South Australia, west coast of Western Australia from around Geraldton to Bunbury
Class: | Insecta | Order: | Lepidoptera | Family: | Nymphalidae | Genus: | Vanessa | Species: | itea | Common Name: | Yellow Admiral Butterfly |
Relatives in same Genus Australian Painted Lady (V. kershawi)