
This moth was attracted to house lights at night. It could be a Heliotrope Moth (U. pulchelloides) or a Salt and Pepper Moth (U. lotrix) - it is impossible to tell from these photos.
Photograph copyright: ozwildlife - all rights reserved. Used with permission.

This moth was photographed on window at night
Photograph copyright: ozwildlife - all rights reserved. Used with permission.
Identification This moth is very similar to Utetheisa pulchelloides (the Heliotrope moth). Both species have brightly coloured have white wings with red, brown and black spots and markings. Some have orange yellow on the head. The caterpillars are dark blue with yellow stripes and orange spots, and is covered with stiff sparse short hairs. The larvae contain poisonous alkaloids that deter predators from eating them
Size 25mm
Food They feed on a member of the pea family called Crotalaria.
Class: | Insecta | Order: | Lepidoptera | Family: | Arctiidae | Genus: | Utetheisa | Species: | lotrix | Common Name: | Salt and Pepper Moth |
Relatives in same Genus Heliotrope Moth (U. pulchelloides)