
Paper wasp on nest.
Photograph copyright: ozwildlife - all rights reserved. Used with permission.

Paper wasps on nest
Photograph copyright: ozwildlife - all rights reserved. Used with permission.
Identification The paper wasp is a smallish dark brown wasp with some lighter brown markings. It often suspends its paper nest from hanging baskets, eaves or plants around the house. They can give a painful sting if you disturb the nest. If you want to get rid of ones near the house, it is safest to spray them at night when they are at rest.
Size 10mm
Habitat Often nests around houses in shrubbery, hanging baskets, under eaves.
Breeding Makes long thin paper nest that hangs down, and is several centimetres long. An egg is laid in each cell. Several wasps attend the nest.
Class: | Insecta | Order: | Hymenoptera | Family: | Vespidae | Genus: | Ropalidia | Species: | revolutionalis | Common Name: | Paper Wasp |
Relatives in same Genus No common name (R. socialistica)