
Paper Wasp
Photograph copyright: ozwildlife - all rights reserved. Used with permission.

Paper Wasp feeding on nectar
Photograph copyright: ozwildlife - all rights reserved. Used with permission.
Identification This paper wasp is black or brown, with yellow bands. They can give a painful sting if you disturb the nest. If you want to get rid of ones near the house, it is safest to spray them at night when they are at rest.
Size 12mm
Habitat Amongst branches and sheltered areas such as under eaves of houses.
Breeding Makes papery nest . The nest has short stalk. The cells are closed when larvae pupate
Class: | Insecta | Order: | Hymenoptera | Family: | Vespidae | Genus: | Polistes | Species: | sp | Common Name: | Paper Wasp |
Relatives in same Genus European Paper Wasp (P. dominulus) Common Paper Wasp (P. humilis) Tropical Paper Wasp (P. stigma)