
A Leafcutter Bee has made a nest inside this gum nut. I noticed the bee flying out but wasn't quick enough to get a photo of it.
Photograph copyright: ozwildlife - all rights reserved. Used with permission.
Identification Leafcutter Bees are mainly black with white hairs. They cut oval pieces of leaves and put them in a crack or hole to make their nest. The cells in the nest are made of overlapping pieces of leaf capped with circular pieces. Cells are built in a row from the back of the hole to the front.
Size 10mm
Habitat woodland and gardens. In gardens they often use leaves from roses, honeysuckle, Bauhinea.
Food nectar and pollen
Class: | Insecta | Order: | Hymenoptera | Family: | Megachilidae | Genus: | Megachile | Species: | sp | Common Name: | Leafcutter Bee |
Relatives in same Genus Alfalfa Leafcutter Bee (M. rotundata)