
Grey-Striped Fly feeding on lid of wheely bin
Photograph copyright: ozwildlife - all rights reserved. Used with permission.

Grey-Striped Fly
Photograph copyright: ozwildlife - all rights reserved. Used with permission.
Identification Grey-Striped Fly have black and grey stripes running down thorax from the head and do not have a metallic appearance. The eyes are orange red.
Size 12mm
Habitat carrion, dung, or rotting vegetation
Food see habitat
Breeding Larvae develop in carrion or dung. Most species of Flesh Flies are viviparous - they produce live maggots. The maggots pupate in the soil and emerge as adults. Some species lay their eggs in the open wounds of mammals.
Class: | Insecta | Order: | Diptera | Family: | Sarcophagidae | Genus: | Sarcophaga | Species: | aurifrons | Common Name: | Grey-Striped Fly |