Description The Red-crowned Toadlet is dark brown or black with a red T-shaped mark on its head. It has a red wash or spots over its back. The sides are a blue-grey with white marks in the armpits and thighs. The underside is marbled black and white with a blue-grey background.
Size up to 30mm
Habitat sandstone habitats in woodland, heathland and dry eucalypt forest
Breeding Males make an ark call from nest sites under leaf litter and rocks, in areas likely to be inundated, generally only after heavy rain. Eggs are laid under leaf litter and tadpoles begin developing inside the egg, the males stays with the eggs in the nest. Once heavy rain floods the nest site the eggs hatch and the tadpoles (already fairly developed) finish their development in the temporary pools.
Range found only in the Sydney Basin, New South Wales

Credits: Map is from Atlas of Living Australia website at https://biocache.ala.org.au licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Conservation Status The conservation status in the 2004 IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals is "vulnerable".
Class: | Amphibia | Order: | Anura | Family: | Myobatrachidae | Genus: | Pseudophryne | Species: | australis | Common Name: | Red-crowned Toadlet |
Relatives in same Genus Bibron's Toadlet (P. bibroni) Red-backed Toadlet (P. coriacea) Corroboree Frog (P. corroboree)