Description Bibron's Toadlet is mid to dark brown with a pair of boomerang-shaped ridges over the shoulder. The underside is marbled black and white. Tadpoles are dark brown with clear fins that are finely flecked with black or brown.
Size 23mm
Habitat dry forest, woodland, shrubland and grassland where they shelter under leaf litter in moist depressions
Breeding Between 70 and 200 eggs are laid in loose clumps in shallow burrows under litter, near water. The rain washes them into the water. Tadpoles are found in ponds, flooded grassland and roadside ditches.
Range found across much of south-eastern Australia

Credits: Map is from Atlas of Living Australia website at https://biocache.ala.org.au licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Class: | Amphibia | Order: | Anura | Family: | Myobatrachidae | Genus: | Pseudophryne | Species: | bibroni | Common Name: | Bibron's Toadlet |
Relatives in same Genus Red-crowned Toadlet (P. australis) Red-backed Toadlet (P. coriacea) Corroboree Frog (P. corroboree)