
Yellow-spotted trevally, Guam, Mariana Islands
Image by David Burdick - License: Public Domain. (view image details)
Description The Thicklip Trevally is silver or blue-grey with scattered small dark spots and some larger yellow spots or blotches on the body. The dorsal, anal and caudal fins are blue. The body is compressed with a row of scutes on the tail stem. Sometimes has faint chevron shaped bars on the similar to those of C. ferdau. Large adults develop a prominent snout.
Other Names Island Trevally
Size length to 70cm. Weight to 6kg
Habitat open ocean, around oceanic islands, sandy channels of lagoons and seaward reefs. Found at depths from 3m to 160m
Food small crustaceans from sea floor
Range The Thicklip Trevally is found in tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific. In Australia it is found from south-western Western Australia, Northern Territory, Queensland and south to the central coast of New South Wales.
Class: | Actinopterygii | Order: | Perciformes | Family: | Carangidae | Genus: | Carangoides | Species: | orthogrammus | Common Name: | Thicklip Trevally |
Relatives in same Genus Onion Trevally (C. caeruleopinnatus) Longnose Trevally (C. chrysophrys) Blue Trevally (C. ferdau) Turrum (C. fulvoguttatus) Barcheek Trevally (C. plagiotaenia)