
Hand drawn and coloured image of the coastal trevally, Carangoides coeruleopinnatus. Based on Carpenter et al (eds) 2002 and fishbase photographs
Image by Kare Kare - Some rights reserved. (view image details)
Description The Onion Trevally has a fairly deep body. The fish is blue-grey with scattered yellow spots above. The underside is silver. It usually has an indistinct dark blotch on the gill cover. Juvenile fish have a long filament trailing from the front of the second dorsal fin. This filament becomes shorter with age.
Other Names Blue-spined Trevally, Coastal Trevally, Japanese Trevally, Onion-ring Trevally, Diverse Trevally
Size length to 25cm
Habitat deep coastal reefs in schools and as individuals
Food crustaceans, small fish, cephalopods
Range The Onion Trevally is found in waters of the tropical Indo-West Pacific. In Australia it is found from the north-western coast of Western Australia, and around Northern Territory, to north-eastern Queensland.
Class: | Actinopterygii | Order: | Perciformes | Family: | Carangidae | Genus: | Carangoides | Species: | caeruleopinnatus | Common Name: | Onion Trevally |
Relatives in same Genus Longnose Trevally (C. chrysophrys) Blue Trevally (C. ferdau) Turrum (C. fulvoguttatus) Thicklip Trevally (C. orthogrammus) Barcheek Trevally (C. plagiotaenia)