
Giant trevally, Northwest Hawaiian Islands
Image by Dr. Dwayne Meadows, NOAA/NMFS/OPR - License: Public Domain. (view image details)
Description The Giant Trevally is variable in colour from uniform silver to dusky golden to almost black. The underside is silver. It may have dark irregular bands on the back. The head has a steep sloping profile. The fins are usually grey to black. There is no dark spot around the gill covers. It is the largest species of trevally in Australian waters.
Size length to 1.7m. Weight to 80kg
Habitat Clear lagoons, seaward reefs at depths from 10m to 188m. Juveniles are found in estuaries.
Food Feeds on fish and crustaceans such as crabs, lobsters.
Breeding Spawns on shallow seaward reefs and offshore banks
Range The Giant Trevally is found throughout the Indo Pacific. In Australia it is found from the central coast of Western Australia, Northern Territory, Queensland, and south to the New South Wales central coast.
Class: | Actinopterygii | Order: | Perciformes | Family: | Carangidae | Genus: | Caranx | Species: | ignobilis | Common Name: | Giant Trevally |
Relatives in same Genus Black Trevally (C. lugubris) Bluefin Trevally (C. melampygus) Bigeye Trevally (C. sexfasciatus)