
Flame Snapper
Image by Robbie N. Cada (former FishBase staff member) - License: Public Domain. (view image details)
Description The Flame Snapper has a long slender body with deeply forked tail. The head is small with large eyes and snout short. The lower jaw is slightly projecting. As the fish ages, the upper tail lobe elongates. The fish is deep pink to red on the back and sides, fading to pink on the lower sides and belly. The fins are pink to red. The Flame Snapper is a good eating fish, and is marketed fresh and frozen.
Size length to 120cm
Habitat inhabits rocky bottoms around reefs. Depth range 90m to 400m
Food small fish, squid, crustaceans
Range The Flame Snapper is found in the Indo-Pacific. In Australia it is found off the northern coast and on the east from Queensland to New South Wales. Also found off Lord Howe Island.
Class: | Actinopterygii | Order: | Perciformes | Family: | Lutjanidae | Genus: | Etelis | Species: | coruscans | Common Name: | Flame Snapper |
Relatives in same Genus Ruby Snapper (E. carbunculus)