Description The Double-saddle Butterflyfish is white with two broad dark grey to black saddle-shaped bands on the body. As well as the markings the body has more than a dozen very thin vertical black lines. The rear part of the body, dorsal fin, anal fin and tail are yellow. There is a black bar through the eye and a black spot on the tail stem.
Size length to 15cm
Habitat Most common in coral lagoon reefs. Less common on seaward reefs. Juveniles are found in harbors and estuaries. Seen singly, in pairs or in small groups. Depth range from 2m - 30m.
Food marine invertebrates, algae
Breeding Oviparous. Forms monogamous pairs during breeding.
Range The Double-saddle Butterflyfish is found in the Central and Western Pacific. In Australia it is found off north-western coast of Western Australia and on the east coast from northern Queensland southwards to the central coast of New South Wales.