Description The Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo is a large black cockatoo with round yellow marking on ear. The tail has pale yellow panels. The male has dark grey upper bill and pink ring round eye. The female has a paler bill and grey ring round eye.
Other Names Black Cockatoo, Funeral Cockatoo, Wylah
Size 63 - 69cm
Habitat temperate rainforest, mountains, coastal eucalypt forest, woodlands
Food grubs, seed capsules from hakeas, banksia and other plants, nuts, berries, plant shoots
Breeding nests in tree hollow. Lays 1 - 2 white oval eggs
Range south east Australia from near Rockhampton in Queensland down to Victoria. Also found in Tasmania.

Credits: Map is from Atlas of Living Australia website at https://biocache.ala.org.au licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Class: | Aves | Order: | Psittaciformes | Family: | Cacatuidae | Genus: | Calyptorhynchus | Species: | funereus | Common Name: | Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo |
Relatives in same Genus Red-tailed Black Cockatoo (C. banksii) Long-billed Black-Cockatoo (C. baudinii) Glossy Black-Cockatoo (C. lathami) Short-billed Black Cockatoo (C. latirostris)