Description The Yellow-breasted Sunbird is a beautiful bird with olive green back and yellow underside. The bill is long and curves downwards. Males have a metallic blue throat and breast. Thy have short wings and fly with fast and direct flight, and hovers to feed. Immatures are similar to females. Sometimes seen with other honeyeaters.
Other Names Olive-backed Sunbird, Yellow-bellied Sunbird
Size 12cm
Habitat rainforest margins, watercourses, mangroves, farmland, suburban gardens.
Food feeds mainly on nectar. Also eats spiders, insects and larvae.
Breeding Both male and the female assist in building a long spindle shaped nest with side entrance, and slight overhanging porch at the entrance. The nest is made of bark fibre, grass and leaves bound with spider web, with a trail of hanging material at the bottom end. The female lays two or three grey-green mottled eggs.
Range coastal areas along northern and central Queensland north of Gladstone. Also found in southern Asia

Credits: Map is from Atlas of Living Australia website at https://biocache.ala.org.au licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Class: | Aves | Order: | Passeriformes | Family: | Nectariniidae | Genus: | Nectarinia | Species: | jugularis | Common Name: | Yellow-breasted Sunbird |