Description The Yellow Wattlebird is a large honeyeater from Tasmania. The back and wings are brown, and the head and chest are white streaked with brown. The top of the head is white streaked with brown and the face is white with a long yellow and orange wattles The belly is yellow. Young birds have paler head, have smaller wattles and browner belly.
Other Names Tasmanian Wattlebird
Size 38cm - 48cm
Habitat forest, woodland, heathland, alpine regions, parks and gardens
Food feeds on nectar from banksias and eucalypts. Also eats some insects and other small invertebrates.
Breeding the nest saucer shape made of twigs and bark and wool. It lays two or three pinkish white eggs with light brown speckles and spots.
Range Tasmania where it is more common in the east, and King Island

Credits: Map is from Atlas of Living Australia website at https://biocache.ala.org.au licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Class: | Aves | Order: | Passeriformes | Family: | Meliphagidae | Genus: | Anthochaera | Species: | paradoxa | Common Name: | Yellow Wattlebird |
Relatives in same Genus Red Wattlebird (A. carunculata) Little Wattlebird (A. chrysoptera) Western Wattlebird (A. lunulata)