
A White-breasted Woodswallow (Artamus leucorynchus) perched at its nest on the foreshore of the lagoon between MacMasters and Copacabana beach on the central coast of New South Wales, Australia
Image by Toby Hudson - Some rights reserved. (view image details)

White-breasted Woodswallow is just one of more than 210 bird species found in Lake Awoonga, Central Queensland.
Image by Magdalena B - License: Public Domain. (view image details)

White-breasted Woodswallow in flight, Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia
Image by Lip Kee Yap - Some rights reserved. (view image details)
Description The White-breasted Woodswallow has a grey head, throat, back and wings. The chest and belly are white. The underside of the wings is white. The tail is dark. It is the only woodswallow with all white chest and belly. Juveniles have light underside, but are more brown above and streaked with white. Often seen in flocks of dozens of birds, and may roost in colonies.
Size 18cm
Habitat forest, woodland, mangroves, riverside forest
Food insects, also nectar
Breeding nest is a cup made of twigs and grass made in a tree fork or hollow. Lays three or four pale eggs with fine spots
Range found throughout Queensland, most of New South Wales and Victoria except most southern parts; Northern Territory, eastern parts of South Australia, and tropical Western Australia.

Credits: Map is from Atlas of Living Australia website at https://biocache.ala.org.au licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Class: | Aves | Order: | Passeriformes | Family: | Artamidae | Genus: | Artamus | Species: | leucorynchus | Common Name: | White-breasted Woodswallow |
Relatives in same Genus Black-faced Woodswallow (A. cinereus) Dusky Woodswallow (A. cyanopterus) Little Woodswallow (A. minor) Masked Woodswallow (A. personatus) White-browed Woodswallow (A. superciliosus)