Description The White-breasted Waterhen is a member of the rail and crake family. It is dark grey above with white face throat chest and belly. The lower belly and under the tail is tan coloured. The bill and legs are yellow The tail is held up at an angle. Young birds are duller in colour than adults.
Size 30cm
Habitat the White-breasted Waterhen is found mainly near freshwater, and sometimes near brackish water.
Food feeds on insects, water invertebrates, small fish and seeds
Breeding Lays six or seven eggs in nest amongst low vegetation
Range Breeds in Asia from India, Pakistan to southern China to Indonesia. It also breeds on Christmas Island (Australia) and Cocos (Keeling) islands.

Credits: Map is from Atlas of Living Australia website at https://biocache.ala.org.au licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Class: | Aves | Order: | Gruiformes | Family: | Rallidae | Genus: | Amaurornis | Species: | phoenicurus | Common Name: | White-breasted Waterhen |
Relatives in same Genus Bush-hen (A. moluccana)