
White-bellied Sea-Eagle photographed at Currumbin Sanctuary.
Image by ozwildlife - Some rights reserved.

White-bellied Sea-Eagle photographed at Currumbin Sanctuary.
Image by ozwildlife - Some rights reserved.

White-bellied Sea-Eagle photographed at Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary, Brisbane, Queensland.
Image by ozwildlife - Some rights reserved.
Description The White-breasted Sea-Eagle is a large white eagle with grey-brown wings, White and grey underside, with wedge-shaped white tail seen in flight. Immatures are dark brown streaked and spotted light brown.
Other Names White-bellied Sea-Eagle
Size 0.8m with a wingspan of 2.2m
Habitat Coasts, islands, estuaries, large rivers and lakes.
Food fish, water birds
Breeding Large nest of sticks in tall tree usually over water. Lays 1-3 whitish blotched eggs.
Range throughout coastal Australia and large rivers

Credits: Map is from Atlas of Living Australia website at https://biocache.ala.org.au licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Class: | Aves | Order: | Falconiformes | Family: | Accipitridae | Genus: | Haliaeetus | Species: | leucogaster | Common Name: | White-bellied Sea-Eagle |