Description The Tasmanian Native Hen is a large rail. It is olive brown above and grey underneath, becoming almost black at the belly. The bill is yellowish green and the bill is grey. The Tasmanian Native Hen can run very fast and is a good swimmer.
Other Names Native-hen, Water-hen
Size 43cm
Habitat edges of lakes, creeks, swamps
Food water plants, seeds, insects, small crustaceans, small frogs
Breeding The Tasmanian Native Hen nest is a platform of grass, roots and leaves. Six to nine stone coloured eggs are laid.
Range only found in Tasmania

Credits: Map is from Atlas of Living Australia website at https://biocache.ala.org.au licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Class: | Aves | Order: | Gruiformes | Family: | Rallidae | Genus: | Gallinula | Species: | mortierii | Common Name: | Tasmanian Native Hen |
Relatives in same Genus Dusky Moorhen (G. tenebrosa) Black-tailed Native-hen (G. ventralis)