Description The Rose-crowned pigeon is a beautiful small pigeon. It is bright green above with pink crown. The chest is grey and belly is yellow. The female is similar but duller. Immatures are mostly green with yellow on wings and pale underside.
Other Names Red-crowned Pigeon, Rose-crowned Fruit Dove
Size 20 - 23cxm
Habitat tropical and temperate rainforest, wet eucalypt forest, woodland, scrub, mangroves
Food seeds, fruit, berries, small insects
Breeding nest is sparse platform of twigs high in vine or tree. Lays 1 white oval egg.
Range coastal north west and east Australia

Credits: Map is from Atlas of Living Australia website at https://biocache.ala.org.au licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Class: | Aves | Order: | Columbiformes | Family: | Columbidae | Genus: | Ptilinopus | Species: | regina | Common Name: | Rose-crowned Pigeon |
Relatives in same Genus Wompoo Pigeon (P. magnificus) Purple-crowned Pigeon (P. superbus)