Description The Powerful Owl is a large owl with yellow eyes. It is dark brown above mottled and barred whitish. It is white below with grey-brown v-shaped markings. The feet are yellowish. Immatures are paler with heavier white barring and white face with darker eye patches.
Other Names Eagle Owl
Size 60 66cm
Habitat dense mountain gullies, coastal forests and woodlands, pine plantations
Food tree-dwelling mammals such as the Common Ringtail Possum and the Greater Glider, birds, rabbits and small ground-dwelling marsupials
Breeding which is usually a vertical hollow in a large old tree
Range eastern and south-eastern Australia from south-eastern Queensland to Victoria. Mainly within 200km of coast.

Credits: Map is from Atlas of Living Australia website at https://biocache.ala.org.au licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Class: | Aves | Order: | Strigiformes | Family: | Strigidae | Genus: | Ninox | Species: | strenua | Common Name: | Powerful Owl |
Relatives in same Genus Barking Owl (N. connivens) Boobook Owl (N. novaeseelandiae) Rufous Owl (N. rufa) Brown Hawk-Owl (N. scutulata)