Description The Pacific Heron has a white head and neck and dark grey body and wings, with black bill and black legs. No other Australian heron has these colours. The breeding plumage has maroon coloured plumes on the back and wings. Immatures are buff white colour.. It has white patches on leading edge of the wings that are visible in flight.
Other Names White-necked Heron, White-necked Crane
Size 75 - 105cm
Habitat shallow freshwater, wet grassland.
Food fish, frogs, insects
Breeding builds nest of sticks in tree about 6-18 m above ground. Lays 3-4 blue-green eggs.
Range found throughout most of Australia where there is suitable habitat. Uncommon in Tasmania

Credits: Map is from Atlas of Living Australia website at https://biocache.ala.org.au licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Class: | Aves | Order: | Ciconiiformes | Family: | Ardeidae | Genus: | Ardea | Species: | pacifica | Common Name: | Pacific Heron |
Relatives in same Genus Great Egret (A. alba) Cattle Egret (A. ibis) Intermediate Egret (A. intermedia) Pied Heron (A. picata) Great-billed Heron (A. sumatrana)