Description The Nankeen Night-heron is a compact heron with large head and stooped posture. The crown and back of neck is black. The back is rufous red and underside is creamy white with buff tinge. During breeding the head has two or three long slender plumes. It has yellow legs and feet. Immatures are pale grey-brown streaked with white on head and chest.
Other Names Rufous Night-heron
Size 56-63cm
Habitat margins of rivers, swamps, dams, mangrove estuaries
Food insects, crustaceans, fish and amphibians.
Breeding Breeds in colonies, often with egrets and cormorants. The nest is a loose stick platform over water. Lays up to 5 eggs - usually 2 or 3.
Range throughout Australia, wherever there is permanent water. Uncommon in Tasmania.

Credits: Map is from Atlas of Living Australia website at https://biocache.ala.org.au licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Class: | Aves | Order: | Ciconiiformes | Family: | Ardeidae | Genus: | Nycticorax | Species: | caledonicus | Common Name: | Nankeen Night-heron |
Relatives in same Genus Black-crowned Night Heron (N. nycticorax)